A long time in coming but hopefully worth the wait! Additional effects, timing improvements, and some manual enhancements. Still plenty more to do on the engine, some tidying and new features coming hopefully soon 🙂
U-235 SoundEngine 0.18 released
Complete rewrite of the sound rendering code has been made to improve tollerance of bus latency. This means that projects using the SE can now make more use of the system bus! more sprites! more pixels! clear audio! There are still finite limits as to how much can be tollerated, more work is being done to hopefully improve this further.
U-235 SoundEngine 0.17 Released
A significant change to the API has been made which will allow (hopefully) increased ease of use, as well as more accurate rendering of tracker module effects. This change has also divorced the module parser from the Sound Engine allowing for greater flexibility with future SE developments and smaller code size! Next on the agenda is to improve the rendering performance to hopefully remove or reduce the effects of latency on the system bus.
U-235 SoundEngine 0.16 Released
Another small update in terms of features, mostly bug fixes. New sound engine command added “Slide to note at rate”, updates to the manual to hopefully improve clarity of some of the tables, and also details of which module effects are currently implemented. Lots of work still to be done, hopefully the next update will be more significant.
U-235 SoundEngine 0.15 released
It is now possible to choose your playback frequency from a selection of 8,12,16,24 or 32kHz. Some tidying up internally and other minor changes. A full changelog is included, only a minor update but worth getting out asap.
U-235 SoundEngine Released
It’s been a fun few months working on this little gem, but now its time to unleash it on the world. There are still things to be done, and bits to be fixed but we cannot wait any longer to get this out there. Check it out here
Other great SoundEngine releated news! I am extremely pleased to be able to announce that the lovely people at Reboot have decided to include the SoundEngine in their excellent Raptor game engine. Cheers guys
October update
All quiet on the web front, but things are moving in the back offices! First of all, U-235 (or most of it) are going to be at R3play, GazTee and LinkoVitch will be there, come and say hi.
The more exciting (to us) update however is that we are hoping to have a release ready in time for e-Jagfest in Kaarst this year! Hopefully it will be a full release and not just a preview. Lots to do but it is certainly looking plausible things should be ready for then. What is it? oh you’ll have to wait and see 🙂
Website launch
Our new much simplified website is launched! This is the place to go for news and information on our projects and productions. There is quite a lot to be done, and quite a lot on the list of things to do, hopefully this will mean exciting times ahead for U-235 and also the Atari Jaguar community as a whole.
We have plans to produce demos, games, source and tools. Hope you like what we have to show you.. so many things to show…